Your ‘WOW factor’ evokes that same magical feeling. Your ‘WOW factor’ distinguishes you from the other 7.4+ billion human beings on planet Earth. Your ‘WOW factor’ makes you unique, special, and one-of-a-kind. Your WOW ‘factor’ commands attention and makes people stop and say: “WOW, that person (enter your ‘WOW factor’ here!)” I have good and bad news for you. Since I always save the best for last, the bad news is that too many individuals don’t bother to discover what their ‘WOW factor’ is. The good news: every single one of us possess it. You can either choose to ignore it even if it exists, OR you can choose to discover, craft and hone your special ability. As opposed to conforming like others, wouldn’t you rather WOW people you meet? Wouldn’t you rather figure out what makes you special, then capitalize on it? Wouldn’t you rather turn your desires and dreams into your reality? That’s the effect your ‘WOW factor’ can have for you. It took me a lot of failure, disappointment, discomfort, resiliency, love, understanding, experimentation, and change to help me discover my ‘WOW factor’. Since is the premiere destination for life hacks, I figured this site is the perfect location to share my wisdom and have this article call home. To be honest with you, it’s going to take a lot of thinking, analyzing, and gut-checking to uncover your extraordinary gift. But once you’ve uncovered your special talent, your life will become more purposeful and fulfilling!

It All Begins With Self-Awareness

  Self-awareness is the concept in which we, as humans, become more aware and conscious of our thoughts, needs, desires, habits, strengths, weaknesses, emotions, motivations, and everything in between. Essentially, self-awareness is a complete and honest understanding of yourself. To gain a complete and honest understand of yourself, you must be willing to objectively examine and acknowledge literally everything about yourself – both good and bad. Introspection, self-discovery, and meditation are useful practices to help you discover you. Unfortunately, some may not be able to assess themselves in such a manner. Sometimes ego gets in the way. Sometimes perceptions may be skewed or bias. Whatever the case may be, if you cannot properly evaluate yourself, discovering your ‘WOW factor’ will not be possible. Be candid with yourself. Be completely and brutally honest. Most importantly, identify your strengths and qualities that distinguish you from the rest of your peers. Once you have a strong grasp on who you are, ask for feedback and opinions from those whom you trust, respect, and know are willing to give you the truth – no matter how harsh it may be. As soon as you have mastered yourself and identified what makes you distinguishable, taking the next steps to discovering what your ‘WOW factor’ will be a breeze. As a matter of fact, mastery of self-awareness will make literally everything you do easier.

Time To Dig For Some Passion

  According to merriam-webster dictionary, passion is your strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept. Since we’re already tackled the self-awareness part, let’s figure out what your passion is. You can literally be passionate about anything. There is no right or wrong answer. Think about what you love doing. Think about what touches your heart. It doesn’t have to earn you money, you don’t have to spend eight hours a day doing it, it doesn’t even have to fit in your busy schedule! The only requirement for your passion is that you have to truly care about it. Regardless of whatever it may be, clearly define what it is. When you are truly passionate about something, time becomes an illusion. No matter what your circumstances may be, your passions will eventually emerge. Your passion will help you navigate through this journey we call life. Passion lights the fire under our heinies.

Finding The WOW Balance

  Now that you have sufficiently identified your distinguishable qualities and passions, the next step is to find that sweet spot where your distinguishability meets gratifying your passion. This delicate balance is also known as your ‘WOW factor.’ It’s a fact that things change and people change. When the inevitable occurs, all that is required to discover your new ‘WOW factor’ is the striking of a new balance between your new strengths, new distinguishable attributes and your new passion. Maintaining your ‘WOW factor’ is as fun and easy as being authentic and true to yourself. Since the ‘WOW factor’ is so readily available and accessible to anyone, let’s all do humanity a big favor. Let’s continuously WOW one another.