For parents, it’s not hard to see the appeal. After all, nothing brings a sense of calm and peace faster than letting kids use technology. But the downsides of technology are many. We have out of control rates of childhood obesity, diabetes, ADHD and more. The solution seems obvious. We need to get our kids off screens and engaging in physical activity. In this post we’ll explore the best exercise for kids. More importantly, we’ll look at the ones they will actually love and want to do again and again.

The challenges of getting kids to want to exercise

Let’s face it. Telling our kids to put the Kindle or laptop down and go out and play is going to be met with resistance. The online world of Minecraft, Roblox and YouTubbers is fun. It’s dynamic and colorful. It’s never boring. So to find an exercise for kids that will entice them in that same way, we have to get creative. Think beyond walking the neighborhood, forget the treadmill and don’t even think about jumping jacks.

10 Best exercises for kids

Here are the 10 very best exercises for kids they will actually want to do all on their own:

1. Glow in the dark hula hoop

I don’t think there’s any aspect of hula hooping that looks or feels like exercise. But guess what? Doing the hula hoop is a great cardio workout! It also helps significantly with coordination. Improved focus and concentration are side-benefits too. But to really make this something your kids will demand, opt for glow in the dark hula hoops! Everyone loves glow in the dark anything! You can also opt for color changing hoops too. Turn any dark room into an instant dance party for your kids and watch the calories burn! Who knew an exercise for kids could be so much fun?

2. Tug of war

Kids love good playful competition. Tug of war builds excellent core strength and is great for biceps and calves. The whole time you’re building muscle and shredding fat you’re building team work too. For extra fun, get the kids tugging right after a good rain. They’ll get nice and muddy. Studies have shown that a bacteria that lives in soil, Mycobacterium vaccae, has proven health benefits.[1]

3. Martial arts

Martial arts is a great exercise for kids! The right school can help foster and develop the following qualities in our kids:

Confidence Focus Resilience Self-regulation

Aside from those mental and emotional benefits, martial arts is often one of the most suggested activities for kids with ADHD. Martial arts is great at developing hand-eye coordination, core strength, balance and the ability to stay calm under pressure. Who couldn’t benefit from those things? Finding a great school can be a little confusing. So check out the best way to find a great martial arts school for your kids.

4. Rock climbing

Rock climbers are among some of the fittest athletes. You’re building incredible core strength and excellent arm and leg muscles. You also develop strategy skills in deciding on when and where to move next. Even more importantly, rock climbing has been shown to have a positive impact on anxiety, self-esteem and depression. Do it safely as a gym or activity center near you.

5. Swimming

We all hear about how great of an exercise for kids swimming is. It’s great for flexibility, reducing inflammation and building bone mass. Most kids love to swim and play in the pool with their friends. But a true added bonus is that studies have shown that swimmers have a 50% lower death rate than other forms of exercise.[2] So instilling a love for swimming could literally lengthen your child’s life. These are only a few of the benefits. Check out all the outstanding benefits of swimming.

6. Tennis

Tennis builds great teamwork and self-confidence. It also is great for strategy; a real plus for kids used to playing video games. But the real benefits of tennis are some of the outstanding physical benefits: As your child develops a love of tennis and grows their skill, this is truly something they will love the rest of their life.

7. Gymnastics

Most kids who do gymnastics are not likely to end up in the Olympics. But that’s totally OK! Gymnasts are among the fittest of all athletes. Kids gain flexibility, coordination, improved cognitive function, self-discipline and amazing core strength. Because they are rolling, twirling and flipping with other kids their own age, it won’t feel like exercise for kids at all! Do look for a school that will impart the basics in a supervised manner. You don’t need a school that focuses on trying to develop professional gymnasts. We’re here to foster health in our kids and get them to find ways of having fun off the screens.

8. Soccer

Soccer builds cardiovascular health while building flexibility and coordination. Most importantly, it fosters excellent teamwork skills and kids have a blast doing it. Since soccer is played outdoors, you also get all the amazing benefits of your kids playing outside. They get more vitamin D and develop stronger bones. Studies have shown that children who spend too much time indoors and on screens can develop nearsightedness.[3] So improved vision can actually be another benefit of soccer. Chances are there’s a local soccer league near you. If not, consider starting one!

9. Wrestling

Unlike martial arts, wrestling is focused exclusively on 2 people. It builds incredible sensitivity since you’re trying to feel what your partner is doing through close contact. It is among the best exercise for kids since it helps foster:

Self-regulation Personal responsibility Self-defense skills

It’s also a great exercise for kids that won’t break the bank. You don’t need tons of special gear. Also, since wrestlers don’t typically try and go pro, it’s not one of those sports that slowly eats away all your free time and money.

10. Parkour

Who doesn’t want to look and move like a superhero? Parkour, sometimes called freerunning, is a little bit gymnastics, a little bit martial arts, but altogether different. It’s closer to skateboarding but without the skateboard. A lot of the contestants on shows like American Ninja Warrior have a parkour background. Parkour has become very popular over the last few years thanks to that show and the TV show Arrow. Chances are you can find a parkour school near you. If not, inquire if your local gymnastics place offers a parkour class. Parkour engages the mind with climbing and jumping over obstacles while building serious core strength and coordination. The best exercise for kids will be one that seems cool and exciting and doesn’t feel like exercise (but is!) Parkour easily fits that bill!

Balancing screen time with exercise for kids

So we know that screens and technology are an integral part of today’s society. Screens are naturally a much bigger part of children’s worlds than any generation before. But we don’t have to throw our hands up in defeat. As with much of life, we just need balance. The benefits to limiting screen time are numerous.[4] So finding an exercise for kids that gets them off the couch but also stimulates their minds is crucial. You may need to try several of these to find the one(s) that really resonate with your kids. Once you find the right one, your kids will be begging to do it again and again. And you just might find their interest in screen time takes a back seat. In this post we looked at some of the very best exercises for kids. Exercises keep the mind engaged while bringing tremendous physical and emotional benefit. Specifically we looked at exercises and activities that are never boring. Ones that can compete with the best apps and games, finally bringing balance to your home. Featured photo credit: Pexels via

The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 50The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 26The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 99The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 34The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 57The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 91The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 85The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 9The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 22The Best 10 Types of Exercise for Kids Who Get - 64