Inflammation is a big problem in today’s world. While inflammation does assist with the healing process if you suffer an acute injury, too much inflammation is not a good thing. You could be suffering from chronic levels of inflammation. This type of inflammation is very likely to lead to a whole host of diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and many others. By taking the time to learn which foods are most likely to cause inflammation in the body, you can ensure that you won’t be suffering. Let’s go over the list of inflammatory foods:

Processed Foods

The first type of food that you should absolutely avoid at all costs is the processed sort. These foods are loaded with artificial sweeteners, chemicals, as well as other additives that are just not going to position you for optimal health. In addition, for those who are suffering from any type of gluten insensitivity, processed foods will often cause symptoms to flare up due to a high amount of refined flour or wheat-based ingredients. If it comes in a package, avoid it.


Meat is the next food that you should be careful about. Choosing grass-fed beef makes this less of an issue, but if you’re eating grain-fed beef, especially beef that’s been injected with hormones, you’re inviting chronic inflammation. A far better protein choice is fish. Fish lowers the amount of inflammation in the body. It also contains healthy fats that help to fight off inflammation, entirely.

Trans Fats

Trans fats should definitely be avoided. These fats are man-made, and unnatural for the human body. They cause ill-health. These fats are often found in processed and manufactured foods, so if you want to see optimal results from your diet, you’re best off staying away. If you want a simple and quick way to instantly boost your health, choosing only foods that come straight from the ground or are caught in the wild is the way to do it.

Artificial Sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners should be deleted out of your diet plan, entirely. These man-made ingredients are not designed to be digested or broken down by your body. Some research claims that certain artificial sweeteners don’t pose a health threat, but you still need to ask yourself if you really want to put something unnatural in your body. Treat your body like you would a brand new sports car. Would you put low grade fuel in a sports car? Hopefully not, so why put in low grade fuel in your body? You can buy a new sports car, but you only get one body.

Dairy Products

For many people, dairy products can also be linked to increased inflammation, so you’ll need to assess your tolerance. If you eat dairy and suffer from bloating, gas, intestinal distress, or any other negative side effects, this could indicate that you are sensitive to lactose. In this case, it would be best to cut dairy from your diet, entirely. Additionally, many dairy products we consumed on a daily basis are filled with hormones, antibiotics, as well as artificial sweeteners, so there again, that’s a strong reason to avoid them.

What Left to Eat?

So now that you know some of the biggest offenders when it comes to inflammation, what should you be eating? What will set you up for greater health, and put a stop to inflammation entirely? Let’s look at some of the anti-inflammatory foods to be eating.

Dark Leafy Greens

You can’t beat dark, leafy greens when it comes to the health benefits they offer. Rich in nutrients, high in antioxidants, and a great way to combat inflammation, make sure that you get these in.


Flaxseed is another food that’s great for fending off inflammation due to its high omega-3 content. Most people consume too many omega-6 fats in their diet, consuming flaxseed helps balance out your diet.


Any berry, but especially blueberries, are ideal for fending off inflammation. These help combat high levels of stress in the body, and can also boost brain and mental health. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants. You can’t go wrong with berries in your diet.

Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower. These vegetables are low in calories and easy to add to your diet plan.


Rich in healthy fats and antioxidants, this food is also great for fending off inflammation. Those who get enough healthy fats in their diet will notice healthier skin, hair, and nails–yet another reason to consume this in abundance. Now, you have the key points about inflammation and how to fight it. Choose your diet wisely, and you’ll start gaining control over your chronic inflammation.

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