Parenting is often likened to a job, with some calling it ‘the hardest job in the world.’ In reality, it’s even tougher than that. Here’s why being a mom is like working multiple, near-impossible jobs, at the same time. It’s no wonder the average mom is exhausted.

The worries and responsibilities never end

The potential for parenting-related disasters are infinite. Nutritional intake, sleep, education, mental health, etc, are all things to worry about… and it continues for life. Even when your children are grown up, you never stop feeling responsible for their well-being. As a parent, you are also responsible for teaching your children how to navigate the world around them. Everything from table manners to learning how to pick up social cues, are all things that need to be imparted. It’s a never-ending list. If you work full-time, arranging suitable childcare is another massive responsibility in and of itself.

There are no days off

Even those working in busy full-time jobs get the occasional day off. This isn’t a possibility if you’re a mom. Even when you’re ill, the kids still need to be cared for, and the house still needs to be cleaned. You don’t even get the proper time to go to the bathroom; toddlers aren’t shy about barging in to demand playtime, or ask the first in an endless series of ‘why?’ questions. Moms are on-call day and night. Even if you go away on a kid-free vacation, you still keep your cellphone on just in case you need to race back home to an ailing child.

Multi-tasking is a must

From the day your baby comes home from the hospital, you will never be able to focus your attention on one job at a time. Even the routine tasks of everyday living such as going to the supermarket, becomes a mission in multi-tasking. A simple trip to the shops requires juggling a diaper bag, feeding supplies, toys, juice cartons, and more. You also have to contend with the possibility that your toddler may decide to stage a meltdown in the produce aisle, and know that it will be your job to calm them down when it happens. Your social life is never the same again, as you frequently end up combining hanging out with your friends, with looking after your child. It’s hard to pay attention to your friends’ news whilst changing a diaper or feeding your toddler their morning snack, but moms soon learn that they need to master the multi-tasking skill.

The demands never end

Moms are always in demand. Kids need constant supervision lest they ingest toxic substances, wander off, decide to play on the road, put their fingers in light sockets, or worse… the list goes on. Throughout this process children often produce an endless stream of questions. They are learning about the world around them, they are always trying to understand the ‘hows’, the ‘whens’, the ‘whys’, and the ‘whos’ of everyday life.

Moms never sleep through the night

Like the busiest of executives, moms never really get a good night’s rest. Whether it’s a newborn keeping them up for all hours, toddlers coming into their bedrooms asking for a snack, or teenagers coming home late; nighttime is never peaceful again once you become a mom. In addition, the lack of sleep makes you feel fuzzy-headed and less productive during the day, which in turn, increases your stress levels, and further lowers your quality of sleep. All in all, it’s a vicious cycle.

It’s not surprising that moms get tired

The next time you feel overwhelmed by the demands of parenthood, remember just how much work you are taking on. Congratulate yourself for making it this far, and remind yourself that every day you are learning new skills that enable you to balance the heavy demands of parenthood. Featured photo credit: Freepik via